How Do You Feel?
No, seriously ask yourself how you feel because our emotions work like a Grand theft Auto character, literally hijacking our brains constantly. And by the time the responsible part of the brain finds out what happened, it is too late. That moment when you lashed out or did something then immediately questioned yourself why? That moment you tried to make an inanimate object feel pain or when a flash flood happens right on your face. It was probably a hijacking. The lack of respect your emotions have for you should be a good sign not to always trust them or go with them but like a kid told not to play with fire or open a cabinet it is hard to resist what you feel.
It is usually difficult to pick up on our emotions. Because they are subtle. Sometimes we can’t really tell how we are feeling, till it’s too late. Then we do or saying something that shows it.
Taking time to ask yourself how you are feeling can make all the difference. Yes, people ask you how you are all the time but how often are you honest with other people. 80% of the time you give the answer they expect and 90% of the time you know they are just being polite. (These numbers are exaggerated ). Spending two minutes in the morning, Half a song. Half. A. Song. To try and know how you feeling will help you better navigate the day. Sometimes you find that you are happy, and other times you find that you are sad or frustrated. Armed with this knowledge you will rarely be surprised by how you react and you will know how to better deal with the day ahead.