There is always room
There is always room for sadness. There is always room for pain and suffering. There is always room for you to hate and hurt but let there also be room to heal, room to let go and grow, to be happy, joyful, and love plentiful.
This was written by a me I don’t even remember. As I have always said, most writing is less about the reader and more about the author trying to make sense out of their unhealthy predicament. More of self-medication than inspiration for the masses but I digress. So what was I talking about in the piece above, you can take your own meaning from it but this is what I got from it.
There are times in our lives where life begs us, more like pleads for us to act out in a certain way. For example, if you have ever been cut off in a line or been attended to by a secretary so slow you would think she ran on windows 99, the immediate response is to give the person a piece of your mind. Better yet throw a concoction of words so veil and brutal that the person’s grandchildren’s children have nightmares of you. But hold up, before you Kamehameha a person off the surface of the Earth, ask yourself this, is there another way? The idea of there always being room for something means, there’s always an opportunity to do otherwise. In as much as you can act out in anger, there is an equal opportunity to be patient or understanding. Not the easiest thing when someone appears to be driving like a monkey that escaped from the zoo ( totally not from my personal experience).
Taking moments where you could have been angry, sad, or selfish and filling them with joy and generosity is the difference between living in Gotham or a K-drama,( I do not watch K-dramas at all). Life is less about what happens to us and more about how we react and what we decide on.
This is what I got from it and I would love to hear what you think.