This Probably How You See The World
Whenever we step out and experience life there is an underlining story of how the world is in our eyes. It is like those Instagram or Snapchat filters some people put love to use so often that when you actually meet them you expect them to have doggy ears. The underlining story we see the world in for the most part is made up. It is a result of experiences and expectations that we have picked up or learned over the years.
An example of one of these stories is a person who sees that they have to always work hard to get something good out of life. That nothing comes for free and life is super hard. This isn’t entirely true but that is how this person sees the world around him. To the point that when they do get something easy or for free, they feel like they cheated or not worthy of it.
On the other end of the spectrum, you have someone whose story is that the world is beautiful: sunshine and rainbows. Good things are always going to come their way. This also isn’t entirely true but you get what I mean. When something that doesn’t match the story happens it is looked at like an anomaly.
These examples in a way are extremes, but you have people telling you how the world and things work all the time, sometimes if not most what you are told is that person’s narrative and not the facts.
The story or narrative filters we see the world through not only apply to our world view but the way we see and interact with people. Based on past experiences and expectations we treat individuals differently. Not to be baddies or other things but mostly to protect ourselves. Even when the facts are presented.
Being aware of these narratives we are forming and cross-checking with others and facts is the only way we can build a productive narrative for ourselves. That allows us to navigate Ocean that is life.