Why No Should Be Your First Response
This will only take 5 minutes,
You won’t even have to move a finger,
It’s something small,
Do me this favor,
How many of us have been in these situations? Where someone comes asking for a favor that explodes into a full-on mining expedition on Mars. And like quicksand the more you try to get out of it the deeper you sink. You are invested now, your name is attached to it. You have to see it through. The worst part is you have or had other obligations before you agreed to this small favor. Now everything else suffers. You behind time on your own things. You can’t give as much time and energy to your work cause you agreed to help do that 5-minute thing.
Many people, including myself, suffer from this disease that makes us instantaneously say yes to people’s requests for help or assistance. The disorder is so severe that we forget the word no. Or sorry, I do not have the time.
There is nothing wrong with saying yes to helping someone. Just bear in mind that :
1. Some people do not value your time and what you bring to the table.
- A yes is a no to other things you may have planned or coming down the line. A better opportunity, a project you like, or just time for you.
- Short term commitments can become long term in a blink of an eye.
- It doesn’t have to be you. There is always someone else. Trust me. Unless you a Nobel Peace Prize or a Pulitzer. Then maybe they have fewer options.
Saying no or let me get back to first, gives you time to actually think through before you commit. And for if you worried about your No leaving a bad taste in your relationship with someone, remember this
Attributed to Dr. Seuss