Your life is not a Lottery
I have successfully failed at every business I have ever started. Had relationships sink faster than the runtime for the titanic. Gone from having Elon Musk money to living with my mommy right before turning thirty. This isn’t hyperbole. I made one common mistake, I hoped for the best. I started my business and hoped it would work out. Made friends and hoped we would stay friends. Had some money and hoped I had more come in before it ran out. The equivalent of picking numbers randomly and crossing your fingers that you win the money.
Your life is not a lottery ticket. You can’t do things close your eyes and hope they will work out. I wish someone told me this earlier. That the results of my endeavors are not entirely left to the mercies of chance and luck. Hard to believe when you live in a “developing” country but that is a story for another day.
Stop treating your life like a lottery ticket, hoping you will get something or someone. Stop treating your business like a coin flip. Stop wishing for things to be a certain way. Wishing like hoping is something that has to be earned.
I believe hope is what you have left when you have thrown the kitchen sink. When you used up every resource within and out of your reach to achieve something then you can hope, then you can wish.